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Happy Summer...I Think...

This summer is blowing by us so fast. I don’t know what is going to take me out first, the Houston heat or my children. Either way, I’m probably going to go out covered in sweat and cursing summer.

I’m going back to Destin this weekend, so if you’re in the area on the 15th, try to stop by and see me. I might be drunk on Fireball-flavored marshmallows. Shhh, don’t tell anyone. I’m not supposed to be eating during this event. (Cue starting a bonfire and roasting boozy s’mores) I doubt anyone would even notice. Get your tickets and come be a part of my hotmessness (Yes, it’s totally a word). Grab your tickets here,

I am also promoting my newest release, Musings of a Deranged Mom: Collective Shit

Parenting: How hard could it be?

It turns out that it’s not the cakewalk that many believe it is. I started my musings as a way to cope through therapy and I have collected the funniest anecdotes of my life as I survive parenting a toddler and teenager simultaneously. Inside you will find the entire collection of my cathartic tales as I take you on the funniest journey through my failures at motherhood. You will laugh, cry, and scream as you navigate the twist and turns that my hot mess life will provide. Enjoy my Collective Shit.

Now on to future news. Current events is getting a little boring since I tend to repeat myself. Sometimes it feels like I’m a broken record, skipping my way into the looney bin.

This August, I’ll be back in the H-town signing my new release. Get your VIP and Unicorn tickets here,

My Rag Tag crew will be coming together for some more mayhem and naughtiness as we drive the event coordinator absolutely nuts. Don’t worry, she doesn’t mind too much. We’re like her very own scurry. (I had to Google that shit. Who knew that a group of squirrels actually had a term!)

Keep your September open because I’m hoping on a jet plane and flying my way to Wilmington, North Carolina. SHH, don’t tell them anything about what is coming their way. Everyone should experience the hurricane of psychosis that I alone can provide. Get your tickets to Authors in the Haunted City here.

Who doesn’t like ghosts on the beach? Me, that’s who. Can I sleep with yoooouuuuu?

Now, for the best part. Cris and EVILyn are working on two different projects all at the same time, so the voices in my head are working overtime. Don’t mind me if I start shouting out Jeopardy questions. I’m hoping both or one or both or whatever of these two books will be out by this fall. Until then, peace out my lovelies.

Cris B.

P.S. I need a fan club name. Who wants to shoot me some ideas?

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